Thursday, October 27, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography-

1. Fleetwood, Chris. "Digital Divide." Io Solutions. Io Solutions, 20 July 2001. Web. 28 Oct. 2011. <>.

 This website discusses the definition and reasoning behind the digital divide. This information is important in explaining the digital divide to others, and will help produce an introduction to subject at hand.

2. Wolfson, Todd. "The Internet for Everyone: Digital Philadelphia | Media Mobilizing Project." Media Mobilizing Project | Movements Begin with the Telling of Untold Stories. Media Mobilizing Project, 08 July 2009. Web. 28 Oct. 2011. <>.

This article (and video) discusses the attempt at reducing the digital divide in Philadephia by attempting to make the internet available to everyone creating what can be called “Digital Philadelphia” Having a society where everyone has full internet access could be revolutionary as everyone will be able to benefit from the internet and no one would have to be excluded from job opportunities and everyone would be able to express themselves on the internet.

3. Rozner, Elroy. "Haves, Have-Nots, and Have-to-Haves: Net Effects of the Digital Divide." Berkman Center. Apr. 1998. Web. 28 Oct. 2011. <>.

The article goes into much deep depth about the effects of the digital divide, further explaining the effect of lacking internet on low income families in society and how the effects are dividing society.

4. "The Digital Divide and Economics." College of Behavioral and Social Sciences - University of Maryland - College of Behavioral & Social Sciences. Web. 28 Oct. 2011. <>.

This article discusses the economic aspect of the digital divide and how the economy plays into the digital divide.

5. Barlow, Jim. "Digital Divide Still Impacts Prospects of College Student Success." Digital Communities: Local Government News & Articles. Digital Communites, 8 Apr. 2010. Web. 28 Oct. 2011. <>.

This article will help me explain and relate my subject to the supposed audience: college students (and professor). The article discusses how the digital divide affects college students. How many college students have limited access to the internet despite the growing importance of the internet in college classes (whether it be typing a paper or doing research)

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